The Replica Gucci x The North Face Gucci Belt Bag is the ultimate statement accessory from one of the most exciting collaborations of the year. Combining the iconic designs of Gucci with the practicality of The North Face, this limited-edition belt bag is perfect for any fashion-forward wardrobe. Crafted with cowhide and canvas, it features a chic pink and white color palette that complements casual and streetwear outfits alike. Compact yet functional, its size ensures you can carry all your essentials in style. Elevate your fashion game while enjoying unmatched quality from this exclusive collection.
Features and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Material | Cowhide + Canvas |
Color | Pink and White |
Dimensions | 22 x 13 x 6 CM (8.7″ x 5.1″ x 2.4″) |