The Replica Chanel Small Hobo Bag is a chic and practical choice for fashion lovers. Crafted from luxurious cowhide leather, this bag features the iconic interlocking CC logo, representing the timeless elegance of Chanel. Its compact size of 25.5 cm x 21.5 cm x 8 cm (10″ x 8.5″ x 3″) makes it a perfect companion for shopping and casual outings. The bag comes with a long leather strap intertwined with a gold-tone chain, offering versatile carrying options. The inner zipper pocket ensures secure storage of your essentials. Each bag comes with a dustbag and authenticity card, making it a stylish addition to any collection.
Feature and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Brand | Chanel |
Material | Cowhide Leather |
Dimensions | 25.5 cm x 21.5 cm x 8 cm (10″ x 8.5″ x 3″) |
Color | Black |
Logo | Interlocking CC |
Strap | Long Leather Chain with Gold-Tone Detailing |
Interior | Inner Zipper Pocket |
Accessories | Dustbag & Authenticity Card |