The Replica Chanel Medaillon Bag in black leather is a timeless handbag that epitomizes classic Chanel elegance. This iconic piece features a structured design with luxurious black grained leather and gold-tone hardware, making it a standout addition to any wardrobe. The double leather handles offer versatile carrying options, either in hand or on the shoulder. The bag is secured with a top zip closure, highlighted by a gold medallion zipper pull bearing the iconic CC logo. The interior is lined with black leather, complete with a zip pocket and a patch pocket for organized storage. This vintage-inspired design from Chanel’s 2002 collection is perfect for those seeking sophistication and style in a compact, functional handbag.
Features and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Material | Black Grained Leather |
Design | Classic Medaillon Style with Gold Hardware |
Closure | Top Zip with Gold CC Medaillon Zipper Pull |
Interior | Black Leather Lining with Zip and Patch Pocket |
Handles | Double Leather Handles, 16 cm Drop |
Color | Black |
Dimensions | 30 cm (L) x 24 cm (H) x 14 cm (W) |
Year | 2002 |