The Replica Chanel 22 Bag in Tweed is a stunning statement piece that blends classic Chanel aesthetics with a modern twist. Designed by Virginie Viard, this luxurious bag features a large, open compartment with a secure zipped pocket and a removable pouch inside, offering ample storage for daily essentials. The elegant black and white tweed fabric is accented with Chanel’s signature colorful lettering on the front, giving it a unique and fashionable look. The chain and leather intertwined handles add a touch of sophistication, making it perfect for both casual and formal occasions. Complete with a dustbag, box, and a copy of the invoice, this replica bag embodies Chanel’s timeless
Feature and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Brand | Chanel |
Material | Tweed and Leather |
Dimensions | 35 cm x 37 cm x 7 cm (13.8″ x 14.6″ x 2.8″) |
Color | Black and White |
Interior | Zipped Pocket and Removable Pouch |
Handles | Chain and Leather Strap |
Accessories | Dustbag, Box, Invoice Copy |
Condition | New |