The Replica Mini Flap Bag with Top Handle is an exquisite piece that combines classic Chanel elegance with modern functionality. This chic handbag features a black leather exterior complemented by luxurious gold-tone hardware, including the iconic Chanel lock. It measures 13 cm in height, 20 cm in width, and 7.5 cm in depth, making it the perfect compact accessory for both casual and formal occasions. The bag offers two main compartments and a zippered pocket for efficient organization of your essentials. It also includes a top handle for hand-carrying and a detachable chain strap, allowing for versatile wear as a shoulder or crossbody bag. Complete with a dust bag, box, and warranty card, this timeless piece is a must-have for any fashion enthusiast.
Features and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Material | Leather |
Color | Black |
Dimensions | 13 cm (H) x 20 cm (W) x 7.5 cm (D) |
Hardware | Gold-tone Hardware |
Closure | Iconic Chanel Lock |
Interior | Two Main Compartments, Zippered Pocket |
Carrying Options | Top Handle and Detachable Chain Strap |
Accessories | Box, Dust Bag, Warranty Card |