The Replica Chanel 22 Bag in Velours is an exquisite, must-have addition for fashion enthusiasts, blending sophistication with a modern twist. Imagined by Virginie Viard, the Chanel 22 Bag stands out with its elegant design, featuring a spacious main compartment with a zippered pocket and a removable pouch. The chain handles, intertwined with leather, offer the perfect blend of comfort and style. Crafted from luxurious black velours, this bag exudes a velvety, premium feel. Complete with a dustbag, box, and invoice copy, this handbag embodies the timeless elegance of Chanel, making it a versatile choice for any occasion
Feature and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Brand | Chanel |
Material | Velours |
Dimensions | 39 cm x 42 cm x 8 cm (15.3″ x 16.5″ x 3.1″) |
Color | Black |
Interior | Zipped Pocket and Removable Pouch |
Handles | Chain and Leather Strap |
Accessories | Dustbag, Box, Invoice Copy |
Condition | New |