The Replica CHANEL 22 Bag in Cowhide leather is a contemporary and chic design by Virginie Viard, named after its year of creation, 2022. This bag features a spacious interior with a large opening, a zipped pocket, and a removable pouch, providing ample space for your essentials. The signature Chanel chain and leather strap give it a classic touch, perfectly blending elegance and functionality. The luxurious purple Cowhide leather, combined with the iconic intertwined chain handles, adds a sophisticated flair. This new item comes complete with a dustbag, box, and a copy of the invoice, making it a must-have for any Chanel enthusiast.
Features and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Material | Cowhide Leather |
Design Inspiration | Imagined by Virginie Viard |
Interior Features | Large Opening, Zipped Pocket, Removable Pouch |
Strap Style | Chain Handles Intertwined with Leather |
Color | Purple |
Included Accessories | Dustbag, Box, Copy of Invoice |
Brand | Chanel |
Condition | New |
Dimensions | 35-37-7 CM (13.8-14.6-2.8 inches) / 39-42-8 CM (15.4-16.5-3.1 inches) |