The Replica Chanel 22 Bag in Leather is a timeless, elegant addition to any wardrobe, capturing the essence of Chanel’s modern luxury. Created by Virginie Viard, this chic bag features a spacious main compartment with a zippered pocket and a removable pouch for added convenience. Its chain and leather strap blend the classic Chanel aesthetic with contemporary design, making it perfect for both casual and formal occasions. Made from premium blue leather, the bag’s sleek finish exudes sophistication. Complete with a dustbag, box, and invoice copy, this versatile piece is a must-have for fashion enthusiasts seeking style and functionality.
Feature and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Brand | Chanel |
Material | Leather |
Dimensions | 35 cm x 37 cm x 7 cm (13.8″ x 14.6″ x 2.8″) |
Color | Blue |
Interior | Zipped Pocket and Removable Pouch |
Handles | Chain and Leather Strap |
Accessories | Dustbag, Box, Invoice Copy |
Condition | New |