The Replica Chanel 22 Bag in Tweed Fabric is an elegant and timeless piece that embodies classic Chanel sophistication. This exquisite bag, imagined by Virginie Viard, is designed in luxurious black tweed fabric, featuring a unique mix of textures. The spacious interior includes a large opening with a zipped pocket and a removable pouch, making it perfect for everyday use. The iconic chain handles, intertwined with leather, add a touch of the signature Chanel aesthetic. Measuring 35 cm x 37 cm x 7 cm (13.7″ x 14.5″ x 2.7″), it offers ample space while maintaining a sleek profile. Complete with a dustbag, box, and copy of the invoice, this bag is a must-have for any fashion enthusiast.
Feature and Details Table:
Feature | Details |
Brand | Chanel |
Material | Tweed Fabric |
Dimensions | 35 cm x 37 cm x 7 cm (13.7″ x 14.5″ x 2.7″) |
Color | Black |
Interior | Zipped Pocket & Removable Pouch |
Handles | Chain Handles Intertwined with Leather |
Accessories | Dustbag, Box, Invoice Copy |
Condition | New |